Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Good things.

Having a nice weekend with awesome girls in Berlin.
Washi tape.
Having a nice sunday with an awesome girl in Nürnberg.
Woschech. Again and again. This cat is great.
Getting a small parcel with chocolate at work from a nice customer. Just like that.
Having four days off. 
Looking forward to spring time while ignoring this snow-rain-muddy-nonsense out there.
The Scared is scared.

Not so good:
Woschech won't have two eyes any longer. Due to his cataract his right eye will be removed tomorrow.
He's already completely blind on this eye and his eye pressure is always way too high because the infection is too strong.
I will think about cookies and other things I like until I can pick him up in the evening.


  1. Ohje, der Arme. Wünsche Euch alles Gute.
    Und Kekse. Iris

  2. Danke!
    Deine Kekse kommen übrigens bald. Da ich den Rest der Woche wegen der OP frei hab, kann ich nämlich endlich in Ruhe backen und spätestens am Wochenende gehen die Kekse dann endlich auf die Reise =)


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