Saturday, 29 June 2013

Dear world, sometimes you are so ridiculous.

Not only no time, headache, a dirty kitchen and a broken car.
I've wanted to buy cigarettes today together with my groceries and was told to show my ID. Say what? I'm 33 years old.
She was really serious. Actually I didn't know how to react, my first impulse was: to laugh. But I couldn't so I was just staring at her, smirking, and asked: "Seriously? Why?". She wouldn't answer and said, she won't sell me cigarettes If I don't show my ID. Probably my question was a bit useless in the first place.

But I couldn't show my ID because I don't have it anymore. Some stupid asshole stole it along with my whole wallet, my cell phone and my Yashica T4. So I'm yashicaless right now. Of course I didn't tell her any of these things. I just paid my other stuff and walked away, 3 meters across the room to a small newspaper kiosk and bought the cigarettes over there.

However, although I'll be yashicaless for a while, there are good things. 
Some people showed wonderful support, as well as practically, emotionally and financially.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.

Dear world, sometimes you are really ridiculous. Fortunately there are people who are able to adjust this deficit sometimes.

Sunday, 16 June 2013


My bento box is rarely used. Poor thing. 
So I decided to give it some attention and made for tomorrow: fried zucchini with rosemary, a beetroot salad (with soy sauce, lime juice and fresh tarragon as dressing) and cooked millet with lots of fresh parsley and mint. Hope my co-workers don't mind that my vegan stuff is way more pretty and tasty than their boring microwave crap.