-2-3 bananas
-200ml soy milk (or other non-dairy milk)
-2 tbsp dried cranberries
-2 tbsp chopped peanuts (they can be roasted or raw, but don't use salted ones)
-1 tiny dash of salt
Put everything together in a blender or use a hendhald mixer and blend. Add a bit more soy milk, if it's too thick. You could also add a tablespoon agave syrup, but if you're bananas are ripe, they should have enough sweetness. There will remain tiny bits of peanuts which is awesome!
Hey, vielleicht kannst du mir ja helfen.^^ Such grad wie verrückt auf deinem Blog die "Folge"-Funktion von Blogger... Hmm kann sein, dass ich mich auch einfach zu doof anstelle ;P
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