Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Good things.

The kitchen window was open all night long for the first time in this year. I love it. Going totally sleepy into the kitchen which is filled with cool, but not too cold, fresh air, hearing birds and making coffee.

A new pillow for better sleep. And a new blanket to keep the bed safe from cat hair. At least, it's worth a try.

Planting plants and pretending to have a garden like every year.

For example, this garden sorrel has been accompanying me for over 7 years. We have quite a good relationship. It will look all fancy in about two weeks.

The sun of course.

Mango-basil cream cake.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

'cause I gotta get out of here.

We still want revolution girl style...

This little riot grrrl gem is from 1996. These girls rock.
And it's so unbelievably capturing this 90s atmosphere, I feel like 16 all over again.

Shot in 1996 and edited in 2000, this is a short documentary about a group of 13-year-old riot grrrls in Los Angeles who were socially ostracized at their school by their peers and upperclassmen. Everyone in the schoolyard held strong opinions about these so-called "dirty girls," and meanwhile the "dirty girls" themselves aimed to get their message across by distributing their zine across campus. Directed by Michael Lucid. Music: "Batmobile" by Liz Phair.