Thursday, 21 March 2013

Good things.

Recovering from the most severe cold I've had in years.

Getting lovely short e-mails from friends with silly photos to cheer me up.

Looking forward to the SICKOIDS show in June.

Washi tape.

Cooking a big pot of a spicy, fruity carrot-potato soup with veggie sausages.

My growing-like-a-maniac avocado.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Sick of being sick.

Today I decided to pretend it's Sunday. 
I've been suffering from a flu for a week, no end in sight and I'm bored to death. Most of the time I'm way too tired to do anything and this week passed by like nothing. Although I can hardly taste anything I made some hot cocoa, raspberry turnovers and watched a movie, perfectly fitting for such an afternoon - Harvey. Guard cat Woschech was taking care that I wouldn't fall asleep and enjoy my Sunday.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Good bye, winter.

These are pictures from the day Woschech had his operation. It's amazing how walking around a strange area and taking pictures can distract you for almost an hour while you are totally worried at the same time.

Berlin gang.

Find more pictures here.