Thursday, 23 June 2011

Creamy coconut carrot rice with fried tofu.

- rice
- one carrot
- savage
- 200g tofu
- 2 tsp shiro miso
- 1/2 small can coconut cream
- curry powder
- garlic leaves

Cook rice with a decent dash of sea salt, some savage leaves and the finely diced carrot. When it's almost done cut tofu into small dices and fry in a little oil til golden brown, lower the heat. Add the coconut cream and a little curry powder to the rice, let cook for another 2 minutes, stir frequently. In the meanwhile mix miso with about 1 or 2 table spoons hot water and pour over tofu and toss well. It will squirt a bit, but only for a moment. Serve rice with tofu and garnish with garlic leaves. 

p.s. Garlic leaves are great! Just put one or two cloves of garlic into some potting soil and let sprout. Way better than chive, trust me. 


Woschech overdose.

Fluffy white bean spread.

This fluffy white bean spread is delicious on white bread like baguette or ciabatta (or as a dip for any veggies you can think of, I think).

- small can giant white beans, drained
- fresh thyme twigs
- lime juice from 1/2 lime
- dash of paprika
- pepper
- 2 tsp shiro miso
- 1 tbsp rice oil (any other more neutral oil will do)

Mix together all ingredients and puree with a mixer till it's fluffy and not chunky anymore. Don't use salt, the shiro miso is very salty and if you want to replace the miso with salt it will be quite ok, but won't have the same distinguish umami flavour as with miso.